Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Overcoming Fear

Fear can lead to variety of positive or negative outcomes...

It can stop someone from accomplishing their goals or it can
fuel a burning desire to finish... 

It can make someone scream
and hide hoping never to be seen or it can make someone
stand out and defend the very beliefs they stand for...

No matter how fear fuels us... We must remember that fear is an
emotion that can be transformed into a behavior of choice rather than reaction...

Let fear ignite your strength to keep going... face it head on... you are in control...

YOU will win...

You are NOT Alone

Sometimes when we are faced with challenges that we have no control of, we often block out the negative emotions and go on day by day simply surviving...

Deep down the fear still exists... Hiding it doesn't make it disappear (if only it were that easy)...

Trials in life enable us to lean on others and gain strength from our pain...

Building upon our faith as we believe God will get us through this and strengthen us. 

Surviving is not Living... Face your fears and move forward, you are not alone... 

We are Stronger than our Fears

Have you ever realized how much more difficult it is to keep up emotional strength than physical strength?

We often associate emotional strength with courage as its resilience is intensified through the awakening of courage…

our inner strength smolders within... remaining dormant until fear awakens it... allowing us to move ahead... challenging us to go beyond our norms...move past our barriers... never giving up...

Strength pulls us up off the ground from our weakest state to give us a renewed sense of stability... a renewed level of peace... a renewed level of capacity... We are stronger than our fears... Keep moving forward.

Rise for the Win

There are various ways we tend to measure strength...
Some measure through the physical... Or through the mental...
While others may measure through the emotional state of being...

Regardless of how it comes to us... It never comes to us easily...
Strength is not something that is developed from nothing...
It can only be developed through struggles,... conflict or pain...

It is built upon a weakness that needs strengthening...
A level of stagnancy that needs to be ignited... Or a mode of complacency which yearns for excitement...

Strength is celebrated through the toughest moments in life when we feel alone... defeated... Or defenseless... 
It is a renewed disposition that calls out our name in triumph... 
Letting the world know that we were down for the count but we rose for the win...

The Strength Behind a Single Teardrop

The strength behind a single tear drop is often enough to lift a person from a pain so deep that words alone can't reach... 

the release... succumbing our vulnerable heart and mind to the onset of this downpour...

freeing ourselves from harboring such pain... allowing the flow to begin weakening our knees dropping us to the floor in prayer... 

then it happens... we stop... we stand... wiping away the original feeling of weakness and defeat...

we are strengthened and renewed to move forward...

The strength behind a single teardrop...

Tomorrow is Closer than You Think

Ups... Downs... Twists... Turns...bends... and breaks...words that describe a variety of thrills, chills, and even horrifying adventures acquired through a plethora of physical, emotional, or mental experiences that seem to make our mind scramble for stability and safety

just as our mind wants to lead us to a safe harbor during every rough sea... God is there to pick us up and strengthen us through every outnumbered battle...

Today is just a day... one in 365... so if you feel defeated... weakened... or even broken... remember, you are never alone... Never outnumbered... You stand strong...

Strength must build upon weakness... humility... and pain... Taking one day and using 364 more to make us stronger and better equipped to fight another battle... Stand up... Wipe those knees... Dry those tears... and smile... tomorrow is closer than you think...